Global impact of Common Cold

Common cold is a very common health problem around the world and nobody is immune to common cold. Old and young, all are affected by common cold, although the severity and frequency of common cold infection may be different among different age group individuals. Younger age groups of individuals are more prone to get infected by common cold causing virus in compare to older individuals. As individuals age, they become immune to common viruses which cause common cold.

The economic impact of common cold is huge. Although the disease is not serious, it can reduce work capacity in the sufferer for approximately a week during every attacks of common cold. Given the fact that, most individuals (healthy as well as unhealthy individuals suffer from common cold) suffer a few attacks of common cold every year the economic burden for individuals and the world is enormous. The work capacity reduces due to common cold and there is also expense for treatment of common cold, both of which takes a huge toll in the finance of individuals as well as to the State.

Common cold scenario in United States:

It is estimated that in United States alone approximately 100 million visits to doctors (which is only the tip of an iceberg, as most individuals suffering from common cold do not visit doctors) for common cold and estimated cost of which is approximately 8 billion dollars a year. Of approximately 100 million doctor visits for common cold, approximately a third receive antibiotics (although most doctors and health experts know that antibiotics are not indicated for treatment of common cold), which is one of the major reason for development of antibiotic resistance due to overuse and unnecessary use of antibiotics. Americans also spent more than 3 billion dollars a year on OTC (over the counter) medication for symptomatic relief of common cold.

It is estimated that approximately 100 to 200 million school days are missed by school age children every year and as a result, to care for the children parents also miss equal number of workdays (100 to 200 million) every year. In addition to this, workers miss approximately 150 million workdays a year due to common cold, the total value of this is estimated to be over 20 billion dollars a year. This statistics explain the enormity of the health and economic impact of a mild and common disease such as common cold.

This is the scenario of common cold only in United States, the global impact of common cold can be easily guessed from this.

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